Master of Puppets (Rock & Pop/M/Metallica)
"Good attempt, certainly one of the best I've heard, there are a few mistakes, especially in the first guitar solo with the pitch bending and in the beginning, about 15 seconds in... but this is a very hard song to midi and a very good attempt, certainly usable."
Duncan 2004-02-03
It's My Life (Rock & Pop/T/Talk Talk)
"I always thought that this song was made by the group "No Doubt". The background instruments are good, but the vocal instrument, the Ocarina, was poorly played. It was off beat and it played the wrong notes sometimes."
Strong sad 2006-01-08
Out Tonight (Broadway Musical/R/Rent)
Michaela 2006-05-22
Suteki Da Ne (Video Games/F/Final Fantasy Series/Final Fantasy X)
"It sucks! Its out of key and out of tune and it doesn't sound like the original."
Aaron 2006-06-05
¹ï§A¤Ó¦b¥G (World/Chinese/Pop Female/Kelly Chen)
"I find da lyrics to this song really good....too bad dis is a midi...but I recommend u guys to download da song or da midi...either way...dis song is good..."
fanster 2002-08-21